I can honestly say that a month ago, I never thought I would make it to this season.
First year of college?
It was hard. I must say.
I grew a LOT. Not physically, but in so many other ways. Spiritually, Intellectually, Emotionally... College is amazing. I can't believe how quickly this year went by, it honestly feels like just last week I was graduating from high school.
I'm proud to say, that after just two semesters and after the summer classes I'm taking, I will officiallly have 60 hours to my name. In case you don't know what that means, I'm a junior.
Which is AMAZING. I'm taking 19 hours next semester (pray pray pray for me!!)
I finished with a cumulative GPA of 3.7 and the award from the music department;
Freshman Student of the Year.
God is so good. I constantly remind myself that it is only because of Him that I am able to succeed. Everything I do, academically, I do for His glory. I am unbelievably blessed to be at DBU.
After just a couple of weeks home for the summer, I can also say that I've been blessed here at home as well. At DBU I made a lot of great friends whom I love and will miss these next few months, but I can't believe how much I love the people here at my "home base."
Tanter!! My crazyamazing brother. I'd venture to say that few siblings truely love each other as much as we do. I'd do anything for this kid. I'm excited for him to get done with school so we can hang out some.. I miss him and his antics while I'm at school.
MichaelRyan. Obviously, I love him. Everyone at DBU developed relationships during the year (some even got engaged, whaat?!) and they were so upset when they had to leave each other for the summer. But the day I left DBU was SO awesome because I knew I had this great guy waiting here for me. And a whole summer to spend with this amazing guy whom I love so much. :)
Jessica and KP: My gurrlz... The only women who can stand me for long amounts of time. (And, quite frankly, the only women I can stand most of the time) KP and I made it through our first year as roomies despite what everyone thought. But I'm really stoked to get to spend some quality time with my Jessica!! I've missed her soo much this year, and I'll miss her even more when she's gone next semester. I'm lucky to have them.
Steven!! Ahh the new kid on the block. This guy is awesome! An amazing guitarist and an amazing friend. We're blessed to have him around, he brings fresh eyes to our group and it's really great to look at each other through a newcomers perspective. He's a great one to vent to and even though he hasn't known me for 12 years, he still manages to never judge me for my crazy-ness. (hard to believe, isn't it?)
Look at those amazing people!! And they're all mine. Haha! I'm amazed at how, even though I screw up so much with relationships, God continues to entrust me with people. I can be difficult sometimes (a GROSS understatement, I know!) but somehow there's always that one person in my life that can calm me down and make me sane again. I kind of like to think of them all as Katie-Wranglers. Specifically trained to handle the ways of this wild beast ;D
So there you have it. I'm ready for summer.