Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Michael!!!

Today is Michael's 19th birthday!!
(I can just hear Tanner screeching, MIIIIICHHHAAEEEELLL!!!! I hope his throat gets better soon, we miss hearing that!)

I called Michael this morning and sang Happy Birthday to him while he was at work. And then my dad showed up at home and I told him that it was his birthday so Michael should get the Birthday-Taunting that he probably hoped to avoid by not telling anyone at McKinney that it was his birthday. But I say, where's the fun in that??

His whole family is in town to celebrate so I'll be going over to his house tonight for the festivities. Tomorrow we do the "friend party" because Jessica will be home (ja;lskjw;eltawjYAY!!!!) and it's the day between Michael's birthday and hers. Everyone will probably come over to the house and Kaitlin and I will have some fun little gifts for them and I'll bake some brownies.

I find that as we get older, birthdays become less of a big deal. Which I think is sad.
I mean, birthdays are basically a built-in excuse to have a party.
And I'm always up for a party.

But anyway I am excited to celebrate the day when the world went from being a world WITHOUT Michael Davis to a world WITH Michael Davis.

Mostly because I can't imagine my world without him..

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm kind of partial to the world with him too. Thanks for marking the day and welcome to blogging.