Thursday, April 2, 2009

I suck at blogging...

Wow. It has been awhile!

Obviously, I have not visited my own blog since November. But the amazing thing is that it was about this time last semester that I wrote that post, and everything I said then really encouraged me today. I've been pretty overwhelmed, especially these last few weeks, what with all of my classes and homework and tests and papers. I definitely underestimated the volume of work that would come with taking 20 hours. I've been falling behind these past couple of weeks and I'm slowly catching back up. My teachers have been really great about it though, they haven't been penalizing me for my late work and they all seem to understand that I'm struggling to get it all done in time. I've been forcing myself to go to bed at midnight and sleep until 7AM because I know if I get sick or just completely exhausted, I'll never get anything done.

It's just been a lot of things at once. School, church, family stuff... I've been pretty discouraged with 720 these past few months. Our attendance has dwindled to about 10 people on Thursdays, including the band. Tonight, I bet the only girls in attendance are me and Kaitlin. More people come to the "720 Bowling Night" than our group time of worship on Thursdays.

It's really pathetic. I'm trying very hard not to be upset or judgmental.

One thing that's really been helping is that the band has been going to The Village Church on Saturdays. The worship and teaching there is so amazing. I feel so refreshed after just an hour there. Last week, we saw 9 people baptized and took Communion with them. I just love doing new songs and hearing Matt preach. God has really blessed us by bringing us there, I think.

Anyways, I know this blog hasn't been very positive... But I do know that God is faithful and that everything is for His glory. So hopefully the next time I post, I'll have some answers to my prayers to report.

OH in happy news, Kaitlin and I got approved for an apartment!! We are so so excited!! :D
I'd actually forgotten about that, I guess I'm still not used to it.. We've been waiting to get into the apartments basically since we moved into the dorms (at least I have). IHATEITHERE.
It is gross.
I can't wait!!

Have a good day everybody!


Melissa said...

I suck at blogging too.

And I was afraid the time would come when that 20 hours caught up with you, only because I was crazy enough to try it myself once upon a time. But I got through. So will you. And you'll be extra excited that you pulled it off when you get to the other side.

I'm sorry you're experiencing discouraging times in other areas of your life. I know the effort you all put forth to lead worship and I'm proud of the work you all put in so that you will be able to present your very best for God. Thankfully your efforts are really all for Him in the end. I completely understand the frustration of working hard to prepare for something that is greeted with apathy. And sadly, most people would rather attend a playdate than put effort into anything that doesn't provide them with immediate gratification. Unfortunately, worship falls into that category for too many. So know that ultimately you are playing for an audience of One. He prefers the relationship of worship over a playdate and He's the only one you can really be concerned about. I'm very proud of all of you.

I'm glad you girls got in to an apartment. My dorms were about a zillion years old when I was in them and they are still there. Super gross.

Hang in there. You'll make it.

Genny said...

Just popped in to say, "You are one amazing girl!" You have blessed our children's choir ministry in so many ways. You have brought freshness and joy (and we need that!) I am thankful for your faithfulness and your stability. God is using you to do incredible things. Keep your focus on Him. He will not let you down. Remember:

God will change us, make us new; God will keep His word! God will always be with you! Hey, haven't you heard? God rewards the faithful ones, He directs your path. What you give, He'll multiply. How 'bout that math? For the next two thousand years, we're ready for the test. No matter what the promise is, Jesus says "Yes!"

Thanks, Katie. You rock!

Kaitlin and Katie said...

Aw thanks, Genny! You guys are great too, I've really learned a lot working around you and getting to help out. It's been a really great experience for me and I'm already looking forward to next year. (I'm sure you guys are glad to get a break though, haha!) I'm glad I've been an asset, I love helping out and doing what I can to make your jobs easier!

And thanks for the cheer :D
I've been through quite a lot of 'tests' this semester, academic and otherwise. Maybe that's why I loved the message of "Promise U" so much, he's faithful to all who call on His name, right?

Thanks again!